Workshops,Lezingen & Behandelplannen
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Let’s Talk!
As the founder of Sisay Cosmetics, Janine has been in the Natural hair care business since 2004. She 5 years later, she started educating people through workshops, seminars, coaching and one on one sessions.
When needed, a tailor made therapy plan is made with you to help you reach your goals.
First step to be able to reach your goal is to take action. Plan a strategy session call with one of our consultants.
weather it’s about the health of your hair, help that you need to set up your own hair regime, tricks to fight your dry hair or help with hair loss. During the 30 minutes strategy call we lay a foundation to plan your tailor made strategy to work on your hair and or scalp.
Just click on the button that says “Stretegy session” and let’s get you on the right track
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30 Minute Coaching Call
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