e-Book NISH

Hair care is far more then just the products you use on your hair. It starts long before your hair grows out of the scalp.

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About The Book

Most of the time, when we talk about hair care, we only think of the product that are used on the
hair. When you ask someone ‘how do you take care of your hair”, they will most likely tell you that ,
they regularly wash, condition and tell you about all sorts of other treatments.

This book will help shift your mind from a product based approach, to a holistic approach, where the pillars of the NISH (Nutrition- Ingredients – Scalp care- Hair maintenance ) are inextricably connected.

Every chapter is dedicated to one of the pillars and step by step helps you translate this into your own hair care routine and maintenance. This book is written for those who are looking beyond the hair styles, and are seeking the answer how to grow and keep healthy hair.

Nutrition, the first chapter discusses the nutrition our body needs to make healthy hair. It describes how and where our body can get them and what the concequences are when you lack them.

By reading this book you will discover that hair care starts long before the hair grows out of the scalp. It starts within your body. You will also come to understand that, what we do with the hairstrands itself is actually pure maintenance.

What’s inside

Nutrition-Ingredients-Scalp care-Hair Maintenance


When I started in the natural hair care business, it was not intentional. It was more out of frustration. Of course, I didn’t know then what I know now. It has been a tremendous and enriching journey for me.
I started back in 2004 as a webshop offering natural hair care products for afro- and curly hair. By that time, finding the right products for this specific hair structure was not easy! It was my own need for a quality product that initiated my business.
I have been chemically treating my hair since I was 15 years old. Over the years my hair got thinner and thinner. Although I noticed it, I didn’t realize it. I never paused to look at what was going on with my
hair. Or what could be the cause of the falling and breaking off my hair. For me, it was normal that I saw my bathroom floor covered with strands of my hair. The thinning of my hair happened so gradually
that it even seemed normal to me; losing that much hair. It was only a couple of years later, on a cold, rainy, lazy day, that I
decided to sort out some old pictures that I had in a box for years and
put them in a photo album. It was only then when I saw some old
pictures of when I was younger, my jaw dropped…….was THAT my
hair? Healthy, strong, thick, did I mention very healthy looking! I
jumped up with the picture in my hand and ran into the bathroom to
compare. There was nothing left!
I remember thinking……”Girl, what happened to your hair?” my first
reaction was “I have to get my hair back, how do I get my hair back?”
Right there and then I decided, that, even though I did not know
how, but I was going to get my hair back.

I started experimenting with all kinds of products that I bought in
most Indian stores, all of them promising growing hair, none of them

NISH® – How to transform from hair disaster to hair master

gave me back my full hair.
Then one day I asked myself, what if I started over? What if, I just
cut it all off and regrow it again? It took some time, but then I finally
decided to have my Big Chop (this is when you cut off all of the
chemically treated hair and start over.)
And this is how my Natural hair Journey started. It started with me
walking into a salon asking them to cut off all my hair. It sounds easy,
but I promise you that cutting it all off had a tremendous effect on
me. I remember standing at the bus stop, right after I had my big
chop, feeling very, very uncomfortable. I was so used to the
chemically treated hairs. I had the idea that everybody was staring at
me and my short hair. It took me some time to get used to the new

This journey has thought me so much about hair, about products,
about ingredients but mostly about ME.
Who I was and who I wanted to be, but also how my hair, without
noticing, communicated who I was.
I started learning about natural hair care, learn about products and
how to formulate them.
I noticed a transformation in my hair after I started using nutrition
specifically for my hair. I learned that it all starts from the inside!
Years later, all these insights formed the holistic hair care philosophy
I developed; NISH ®
NISH ® stands for Nutrition-Ingredients-Scalp care –Hair
Maintenance, the 4 corner pillars of this holistic hair care philosophy.
And although my main focus with products is for the afro and curly
hair, the philosophy is suitable for every hair structure.

In the past years, I shared what I have learned with many friends,
family, and clients. We even started a mini-wave on the nutritional
part. Encouraging each other to not only eat healthy, but to
intentionally feed the body the nutrition it needs as well.

Nutrition-Ingredients-Scalp care-Hair Maintenance


It is my goal to help you the reader, to understand your hair.
I hope this book will help you transform the way you think about hair
care and hair maintenance. I hope it helps you, the way it helped me.
I encourage you to keep learning and take action in what you learn. I
promise I will remain a humble student to help you.
Elohim willing.
Antwerpen, 2019
Janine van Throo



Ingredients makes you discover what ingredients are used in the hair products you use, why they are there and how your hair can benefit from them or why you should avoid them.

About the author.

Janine van Throo established Sisay Cosmetics in the year 2004 in The Netherlands and operated with the brand name Sisay Cosmetics. 
At inception, the company commenced operation as a webshop. However, the original and result-oriented services of the company led to the rapid growth and subsequent establishment of the first natural hair care boutique in Amsterdam in 2009. Sisay launched the first own productline for natural hair care in the same year. Two years later, the landmark achievements of the company were recognized with the African Business Award, in Amsterdam.

Today, the company has expanded internationally with the headquarters presently in Belgium and provides a certification program to those who want to become a natural hair therapist.


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