My role in the world…
Like everyone else, I believe I have a role in this world. Looking back at my path so far, I even think God gave me multiple roles. Some of these I am already in, others are for the future.
I feel one of these roles is to lead. As a mother and/or (business) woman with a household, I do believe your role is to lead. I think everyone is a leader to some extent. I have to be an example to my daughter and the other young girls around me. Show them and help them make better choices in life.
Another of my roles is to serve. In order to lead, you must first know how to serve. To be able to serve you need to be humble. I realized in the past few years that I needed to learn how to be humble. Humility is not bowing down when someone walks by, nor is it a gesture, it is a feeling. It is not what you do, but who you are. Not what you say, but what you do not say.
There was a point in my life where I realized that though I may have thought I was doing great, actually I was not. I have been given certain talents and despite some ugly episodes, I have had, and still have, a pretty good life. I realized however, after some deep soul searching that there were times when I maybe thought I was better than others were, or doing better than they were. That is when I saw I was not a very humble person. It took me a while to realize that being humble was in fact a form of love, self-love and love for the people around you.
I am still in the process of learning how to be humble.
With being humble, serving comes easy. Being able to help others is one of the best things one can do. I believe God put us on this earth to help one another. Do not get me wrong, serving is not about letting people take advantage of you, it is about helping in an appropriate way. Helping those who seek help and want to be helped. It is about serving from your heart, without expecting anything in return. Once that is finally in place, the leader you have always been will come out and lead!
Yes, my roles in life are to serve and to lead. They may sound contrary, but actually, they are not. You will never be a great leader if you do not know how to serve. I want to lead, so I must know how to serve.